...and as I remember, the "forgiving" of loans wasn't done out of loving kindness as it was purported to be at the time. It was done because the U.S. government stepped in and said that the WT society had no legal grounds to be in the loan business as it had been doing for decades.
Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
Does anyone remember?
by dubstepped inso back when the borganization took over the congregations and their money when "forgiving" the loans for the mortgages, i seem to remember there was a congregation that stood up to them.
it didn't work, of course, but they caused quite a stir.
does anyone remember what congregation it was or any details where i could search and find more about it on here?
When was it time for you to walk away from your congregation meetings and the WTBTS?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe basic virtue for a human being is to be true to yourself – the integrity of thought, emotion, and action.. .
ten years ago ( after 32 years as a jehovah's witness), i finally decided that my own mental sanity and being true to myself was more important than attending congregation meetings and serving the watchtower society.
i stopped (years before) field service, the ministry school, answering at the watchtower studies, missed numerous meetings and walked in minutes before the meetings started and left after the closing prayer, i knew it was time to leave.
Pete Zahut
When was it time for you to walk away from your congregation meetings and the WTBTS?
I dealt with terrible unexplainable anxiety for several years preceding my final exit from the JWs. I tried just about every medication out there but nothing worked.
Toward the last I could only attend the Sunday meeting because the anxiety that I would get while at assemblies or meetings was so difficult to contend with. I'm not much of a drinker but even so I resorted to bringing a small amount of wine or beer from home in a container and ducking out to my car for a nip during the intermission between the public talk and the Watchtower study.Just a mouthful or two would quell the flip flops in my stomach and the waves of panic that being at the Kingdom Hall produced.
A couple of weeks after finally deciding to leave for good, the anxiety that had plagued me for years, disappeared for good and hasn't returned. That was how I knew I was on the right track.
JW's revelling in their online statistic...
by The Fall Guy in...that their web site is the most translated in the world.. https://www.tomedes.com/translator-hub/most-translated-website.php.
do jw's genuinely believe that statistics prove divine backing?
you can fool some of the people some of the time...there are lies, damned lies, and statistics!.
Pete Zahut
Or that the most distributed books in the world over a period of time ,the JW religion had about 5 or 6 out of the 10 most distributed books worldwide .
And none of them are in use to day because as it turns out, they were full of misinformation that had to either be revised or abandoned altogether.
'Experiences(tm)'! Made up or totally true??
by punkofnice inat one assembly(tm), i was asked to relate an 'experience(tm)' which i did.
however, during rehearsals, the geezer in charge elder or co or some such title, told me that i shouldn't tell it the way it was.
i did a 're-enactment(tm)' with another 'brother(tm)'.
Pete Zahut
A lot of people want to be lied to, so in terms of assembly "experiences" It's a case of telling people what they want to hear.
Upon my return from Bethel, I was asked several times to relay my experiences there on stage. I always refused because they didn't want to know what it was really like. They wanted a glowing report that matched what they wanted to hear so that they could continue to ignore their nagging doubts.
JW's revelling in their online statistic...
by The Fall Guy in...that their web site is the most translated in the world.. https://www.tomedes.com/translator-hub/most-translated-website.php.
do jw's genuinely believe that statistics prove divine backing?
you can fool some of the people some of the time...there are lies, damned lies, and statistics!.
Pete Zahut
Wikipedia has the second most translated website in the world and as such (by JW logic) means it also must be backed by god (but not quite as much as they are).
If they were truly concerned with reaching everyone before the end comes, they'd broadcast their message on local television stations daily via satellite around the world. Instead they focus on spending their money on luxurious resort like accommodations for themselves and on developing properties.
Not training speakers/teachers any more?
by eyeslice2 innot having attended any meetings since about 2001, for reasons of safety (sounds a bit dramatic but i don't like my wife being out on her own late at night where we live now), i have started accompanying her to the mid-week meeting.. when i was young, the ministry school and service meeting were central to training brothers to take the lead.
you were assigned instruction talks, then if you cut it, you moved pretty rapidly to public talks - a full 55 mins at the time.
i was just 18 years old when i gave my first public talk and this was a first step to moving rapidly through the ranks.
Pete Zahut
Most of the microphone time is actually claimed by sisters that seem to get their jollies by lecturing the congregations during Question and answer sessions,
Reminds me of one of the last meetings I attended, a local elderette gave one of her long and preachy comments during the Watchtower study. Afterward, in his closing talk, the visiting Circuit Overseer counseled the sisters not to be instructing the audience from their seats when commenting at the meetings. Everyone was suppressing a smirk because we all knew who he was talking about.
WT study 8 December
by road to nowhere inhad to look.
first paragraph mentions that most of were probably born after 1914. most?
i bet the dubs 105 and older can be counted on your fingers..
Pete Zahut
WERE you born after the year 1914? If so, you have lived your entire life during “the last days” of the present system of things. (2 Tim. 3:1
Disability Discontinued for Lifting Religious Pamphlets!
by Atlantis indisability discontinued for lifting suitcase of pamphlets!.
https://www.businessinsurance.com/article/20191202/news08/912331976/disability-discontinued-for-man-caught-lifting-religious-pamphlets .
Pete Zahut
Jehovah will provide.
Great Crowd and a pair of elephants, invisible.
by waton infor lurkers: current study article 1st december wt.
in sept. study edition.
details hidden in the discussion: a pair of 'elephants in the room', and their calves.
Pete Zahut
Crazyguy218 hours agoThey just say whatever they want and people will just believe because it’s gods organization. The people in the organization are just so ignorant and arrogant at the same time.
Ray Franz said JW's are "Captives of a Concept". Once they accept the concept that the Governing Body is who they are claiming to be, everything they say from then on is gospel even if it makes no sense or gets changed later.
Why are the Jehovah's Witness Tennis players allowed to "serve two master"?
by I_love_Jeff injw broadcasting sept 2019 issue commentary.
according to the jw in the sept 2019 episode, the ukrainian soccer player andriy nesmachniy (go to 1:04:14 in the video) "abandoned" his career for jehovah????
he retired at 32 years old, the normal retirement age among soccer players.
Pete Zahut
Why are Jehovah's Witness Tennis players allowed to "serve two masters"?
I think in the tennis world they refer to this as playing doubles. .